They Got A Used Couch For A Steal But Soon Realized Why It Was So Uncomfortable

Published on 03/10/2019

An Afternoon Like No Other

Dave of Freaktography left work early on a fine afternoon in 2014 to do some exploration in an old abandoned house. He decided to embark on this adventure after a friend of his told him about the property and all the special antique and historical items that might be hiding inside. He felt the urge to check it out since it was his hobby to work on photography projects that revolved around urban exploration. The moment he set foot inside the decaying and dilapidated house, Dave immediately took notice of the old possessions and artifacts scattered across the rooms. It looked like someone simply threw the objects all over the place without any care or consideration whatsoever. There was something strange about the whole place, but Dave had no idea what else he would find in there.

An Afternoon Like No Other

An Afternoon Like No Other


A Blast From The Past

Dave could not believe what he was looking at. He saw old clothes, photographs, and even dentures. These artifacts all brought a little life in the depressing house. He liked them because they were proof that individuals lived in this place once upon a time. From the way things looked, the inhabitants must have been forced to leave in a rush for some reason. This would certainly account for the messiness of the rooms. Dave came across old calendars, cigars, ointments, tea, television sets, tools, and even marbles. However, what truly captured his interest were the geography, grammar, and similar school notebooks arranged neatly on the desk. After some exploring, he was about to head into the kitchen when he found something that demanded his attention.

A Blast From The Past

A Blast From The Past