They Got A Used Couch For A Steal But Soon Realized Why It Was So Uncomfortable

Published on 03/10/2019

At The Corner Of His Eyes

He was about to go into the kitchen to document the mess and artifacts resting on the countertop, but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed the bed and mattress set against the wall. The mattress appeared ordinary enough, but what made him do a doubletake was the object sticking out of its corner. When he took a closer look, Dave realized many rolls of bills had been stashed in there! He froze, though he knew he could not afford to leave it there as he explored the rest of the house. Before he took more pictures, he ripped the hole further and retrieved all the money hiding inside. Could this be some sort of trap or did he just discover a forgotten thing of the past?

At The Corner Of His Eyes

At The Corner Of His Eyes


Sticking To His Principles

After he retrieved the wads of money concealed by the mattress, he began to count all the bills he found inside. He discovered that the US and Canadian bills amounted to a grand total of nearly $7000! The wads of cash had been stacked together using elastic tape. Aside from that, each roll of bills was accompanied by a piece of paper that listed certain months and dates from the ‘60s to the ‘70s. There might have been people who would make a wild dash for the house after learning about the money, but Dave was a man with principles and a conscience. When it comes to urban exploration, the general rule is to “take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.” However, who exactly owned this huge sum of money and why did they choose to store it in the mattress?

Sticking To His Principles

Sticking To His Principles