Django Unchained: Sunglasses Didn’t Exist Yet
Tarantino surpassed expectations with this revenge drama set during the Civil War. Despite its popularity, the Western film still sports several flaws. One of them would be the fact that the titular character sports sunglasses. The round specs would only be mass-produced in 1929. Fans don’t seem to mind, however, as the iconic frames saw a comeback among members of the audience.

Wonder Woman: The Most Uncomfortable Costumes
The costumes the cast wore in Wonder Woman were very very uncomfortable. They were especially impractical when they needed a bathroom break. Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman herself, told the media, “I remember putting it on and it being so tight I couldn’t breathe. But I was so grateful to be playing Wonder Woman that I didn’t say anything”. Also keep in mind that the film was shot during Winter, aka below 30F temperatures! Gal was in nothing but her skimpy costume. She tells fans that in between scenes she would drape her cape over the heater to keep warm.

Wonder Woman: The Most Uncomfortable Costumes