A Million Ways to Die in the West: Charlize Can’t Stop Swearing
It must really suck to forget your lines in a movie, it’s your job for goodness’ sake! But in all fairness, it’s pretty difficult to when you have to memorize lines like it’s going out of fashion. Charlize Theron was so badly tongue-twisted that her words simply came out as F-bombs and then the crew just burst out laughing.

A Million Ways To Die In The West Charlize Cant Stop Swearing
The Mummy Returns: Meema’s Skirt Is Not Battle Friendly
In one of the most epic battle scenes in movie history, Nefertiri and Anck Su fight it out in true fight-to-the-death style. The two women put on an impressive show, managing to master the art of war with sticks and swords, while an awestruck crowd watches inside Pharaoh’s chambers. One problem – the skirts that the two wore during their duel were a little too revealing, showing some underwear that were centuries before their time. It’s still a pretty jaw-dropping fight, though!

The Mummy Returns Meemas Skirt Is Not Battle Friendly