A Mystery
Isn’t it fascinating to learn about? Kosher standards are probably a mystery to those who aren’t Jewish. We also have no idea what these standards entail, but at the very least, we now know that we can drink Coke over the holidays. Coca-Cola can actually help you figure out which kind of Coke is appropriate to drink during Passover. This has been addressed by a company spokesperson.

A Mystery
Kosher Year-Round And For Passover
“The Coca-Cola Company offers products as kosher year-round (KYR) and kosher for Passover (KFP),” the spokesperson said. “In the United States, both Coca-Cola and Diet Coke are available as KYR and KFP in locations where the bottlers have decided to seek certification. Kosher for Passover products can be found in select markets during the Jewish holiday of Passover.” This means that if you’re Jewish, you can drink a Coke whenever you want.

Kosher Year-Round And For Passover