The Real Deal
It’s actually quite simple to tell if you’re getting the real deal. Coca-Cola explained: “Only finished products bearing the logos of one of the designated Rabbinical organizations we work with can be guaranteed to be kosher.” They added, “The production is supervised by these organizations through the entire end-to-end production process.” However, Coke isn’t the only beverage subjected to stringent Passover regulations. Other foods and beverages are subjected to the same tests.

The Real Deal
The Orthodox Union
The Orthodox Union has examined a wide range of foods and beverages. They also double-check what needs to be changed before the vacation. Because corn syrup was discovered in the ingredients of certain honey products in 2021, the organization required them to receive “special Passover certification.” Coca-Cola isn’t the only company that uses corn syrup in their products. Because it is a less expensive option, many other companies use the sweetener as well.

The Orthodox Union