Olive Oil
When most people hear oil, they don’t think of dieting – but actually, the healthy fats found in olive oil are crucial to weight loss. Fats have a bad rep these days, but actually, poly unsaturated fats (found in olive oil, avocado, nuts – which are all on this list, so do you see a pattern?) are pretty darn good for you. They prevent hunger pains, and stop you from craving greasy, unhealthy foods with saturated fats (the bad kind). So go ahead – drizzle some olive oil on your salad. Your diet will thank you.

Olive Oil
Ahhhh, mint! It smells amazing, but it can do much more than just please your senses. Peppermint is good for the skin, and for the digestive system – calming your body inside and out. Add a cup of mint tea to your bedtime ritual, and reap the benefits.
