Wildest Moments Captured On Live TV

Published on 01/07/2018 This article appeared in Xxexidqipe.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk and has been published here with permission.

No To The Kardashians

Being a news reporter can be challenging at times. There are occasions when reporters are required to cover stories that they don’t think are real news. One of these anchors is John Brown. When he was reporting a story on the Kardashians one morning, he went on a rant about the family on the air. He didn’t want to discuss a story about Kylie Jenner naming her pet rabbit Bruce on Good Day Orlando. “I’m sick of this family. It’s a non-story. Nobody cares about this family anymore.”

No To The Kardashians

No To The Kardashians

Deadly Temps

Arizona does have some intense and insane temperatures. But the temperatures shown below are rather high, and that’s quite the understatement. When the weatherman saw the glitch, he just laughed it off and said, “I would get out while you still can!”

Deadly Temps

Deadly Temps