A List Of Healthy Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Any Weight

Published on 08/11/2021


Salmon is one of the best diets and plain old healthy foods of all time! Whichever way you cook it – and there are a ton of options – salmon is crazy high in protein and crazy low in calories. It contains both mono-saturated and poly-saturated fatty acids, which actually aid weight loss, and even help to prevent heart disease. So go ahead, have a fish fry, sushi party, or whatever time of salmon you enjoy – you’ll only be helping your diet.





The beloved fruit (yes, fruit) of millennials, avocados are worshiped for their creamy texture, fresh flavor, and natural energy. Avocados strengthen eyesight and cardio health and reduce the risk of some cancers. They contain tons of healthy fats (so eat in moderation), so you’ll have plenty of energy to get through the day. You can add avocados to pretty much everything these days, but there’s nothing like the classic avo toast: mashed avocado on freshly made bread, topped with lemon juice, salt, and a fried egg. We’re drooling just thinking about it!

